From Paper Chase to Peace of Mind: How OneVigil Streamlined My BGV Process

29th April 2024

Hey there! It's just another day in the life of an HR in one of India's booming SaaS fintech firms. You'd think working in a high-tech environment, we'd have all our processes down to a fine art, right?

Well, let me tell you, the path from receiving a candidate's application to their first day on the job is anything but smooth. It is more like playing paintball with a blindfold on.

The background verification process is a maze of digitized forms, documents and manual checks. And with the candidate verification process, it is as if every other day, we'd encounter a new way candidates would try to outsmart the system. From embellished resumes to fabricated educational qualifications, it seemed like we were unraveling mysteries instead of managing human resources..

But why am I sharing all this with you?

But why am I sharing all this with you

Well, because amidst the chaos, we found something that not only streamlined our background verification process but also brought a sense of security and integrity to it. This beacon of hope is OneVigil.

So, grab a cup of chai, and let me take you through our journey from chasing papers to achieving peace of mind with OneVigil. Trust me; it's a story worth reading, especially if you've ever found yourself buried under a pile of paperwork, questioning if there's a better way.

Spoiler alert: there is, and it's called OneVigil.

The Challenges of Background Verification

Imagine a world where every single document has to be printed, signed, scanned, and emailed back and forth. Now, add to that the painstaking task of manually verifying each candidate's credentials, calling up universities, and previous employers. And you know what makes it even more intense? Even when we outsource this to an agency, the Turn-Around Time (TAT) is crazy long, and the constant need for follow-ups? Such a hassle, right?

Let me bring out the numbers here for you all.

Let me bring out the numbers

Now, you might wonder, even with verification agencies on board, why are these numbers climbing? It seems that the digital shift brought sophisticated ways to sidestep the system. That's what we were up against before OneVigil, and let me tell you, it was not pretty.

The Challenges of Background Verification

First off, the sheer volume of forms was overwhelming. Now, you'd think that digital forms would make life easy. Well, not quite. Every time we get a new person on the team, our team is swamped with loads of forms to sort through. The thing with digital is, you’ve got everything in one place, which sounds great until you've got to search through it all. It's like having an inbox that's always full. But we had to keep them, just in case.

Then there was the time factor. Each background verification process felt like it dragged on forever. The back and forth, the waiting for documents to be returned, and the verification calls. It all added up, eating into the time that could be better spent on actual tasks that add value to our employees' experience and the company's culture.

Type of Candidate Frauds

Let me walk you through some of the candidate frauds I've encountered along the way. Trust me, it's been quite the ride, but every challenge has only made our processes stronger and more resilient.

Fabricating CVs/Resumes

It's almost tradition at this point, but yeah, candidates beefing up their CVs is something I run into quite often. Some folks go all out, claiming degrees they never earned or job titles that sound more impressive than their real ones. They even list skills they barely know anything about. Their goals are pretty clear - to look better on paper and get through our doors. It's tricky, but it's taught us to dig deeper and verify, verify, verify.

Misleading Application Forms

You'd think they'd be straightforward, but nope. We've realized some candidates get crafty, tweaking their applications just enough to slip past initial screenings. It's pushed us to design our forms to be foolproof, aiming to catch inaccuracies and make sure we're only moving forward with genuine applicants.

Online Recruitment Scams

The internet's a wild place, and with online recruitment, we've seen it all - from phishing schemes trying to steal personal info to fake job offers that ask for money upfront. These scammers prey on hopeful job seekers with promises of high salaries and too-good-to-be-true working conditions. It's a constant battle to protect our brand and ensure candidates know how to spot and avoid these scams.

Exaggerating Work Histories

Last but definitely not least, exaggerating work histories is something I come across more often than I'd like. Whether it's about how long they've worked, what they were responsible for, or what they achieved, some candidates really like to stretch the truth. This not only messes with our understanding of their experience but also affects negotiations around salary and role expectations. That's why third-party verifications have become our best friends.

But the challenges don't end here.

But the challenges don't end here

The BGV Game-Changer: OneVigil

As an HR professional, the realization hit me hard: our manual processes were not just inefficient; they were a breeding ground for discrepancies and deceit. Discovering OneVigil was like finding Google Maps in the roads of traditional background verification challenges and the murky waters of candidate verification frauds.

OneVigil’s Role in Simplifying Background Verification

OneVigil’s Role in Simplifying Background Verification

Saying Goodbye to Long Waits

Before OneVigil, we'd be waiting more than two weeks just to do background checks. But now? We're talking about wrapping things up in less than five minutes flat. That's right, under five minutes.

Keeping It Real with 99.82% Accuracy

We're seeing almost perfect accuracy. And with all the fancy tech behind OneVigil, we're catching inaccuracies like nobody's business—like if someone's faking their presence or if their documents just don't add up.

Real Numbers Don't Lie

With OneVigil, 95% of our pre-employment checks are done digitally. Plus, we're saving money—a lot of it. Costs have gone down by 50-60%, and that's something to cheer about.

OneVigil: Not Just for Background Verification

Revolutionizing HR Workflows

OneVigil isn't just about doing a thorough background check on your next best member, someone who will steer the ship of your company along with the larger team. It's reshaping our entire HR operation. It plugs right into our existing systems, and voilà, things just work. It's like it knows what we need and makes it happen.

A Checklist That Checks Out

We're covering our bases for every type of job role. Aadhaar? Check. Criminal records? Double-check. OneVigil's got a list, and it ticks off everything, making sure we're on the safe side.

OneVigil’s Checklist

Do It Yourself, But Not Alone

Candidates get a DIY link where they upload their documents, and from that point, OneVigil takes it from there. It's user-friendly and super quick. And once it's done, we get a report that tells us everything we need to know.

OneVigil: DIY Process

I am so happy to take a leap into the future of BGV, are you ready too?

Reflecting on the journey from the chaos of traditional background verification to the clarity brought by OneVigil, I can't help but feel a sense of profound transformation. Incorporating OneVigil into our processes wasn't just about catching up with the times; it was about setting a new standard for how background verification should be done.

The Assurance of Authenticity

With OneVigil, the assurance goes beyond just knowing that we're making the hiring process faster. It's about the confidence that comes from comprehensive checks that leave no stone unturned. This level of scrutiny ensures that every candidate we onboard is not just qualified on paper but verified in the digital realm as well.

Reflecting on the Impact

As I stand today, looking back at the path we've traversed, it's clear that adopting OneVigil was more than just a strategic decision—it was a necessary evolution. The landscape of HR and candidate verification is constantly evolving, with fraudsters finding new and innovative ways to bypass traditional checks. OneVigil has equipped us with the tools to stay one step ahead, ensuring that our firm’s onboarding process is strengthened against all odds.

The Future of HR

The journey with OneVigil has been enlightening, to say the least. It's taught us the value of adaptability and the importance of embracing technology not just as a tool but as a partner in our HR endeavors.

Invitation to Embrace Change

To my peers in the HR realm, grappling with the challenges of traditional background verification and candidate verification, I extend an invitation. Consider the possibilities that platforms like OneVigil offer. It's not just about making your job easier; it's about uplifting the entire hiring process to meet the demands of the digital age.

About Author:

Priyanka Asher, Director, People Success Team at Perfios has over 11 years of dedicated experience in human resources leadership, bringing a wealth of expertise in talent management, employee relations, and organizational development. Through strategic foresight and a deep understanding of HR best practices, Priyanka has successfully navigated diverse challenges to drive impactful initiatives that elevate both individual and organizational performance. Her commitment to fostering inclusive cultures and championing diversity ensures that every team member feels valued and empowered to contribute their best. Drawing on a blend of empathy and analytical rigor, Priyanka collaborates closely with stakeholders to implement solutions that drive sustainable growth and cultivate a thriving workplace environment.

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