SME Lending - Cross Banking Analysis

SME Lending - Cross Analysis

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The Perfios Cross Analysis suite of products for SME lending institutions solves the problem of calculating the exact monthly obligation and repayment track record of SMEs by comparing and analyzing data from varied sources.

A typical SME customer can have more than one applicant with multiple bureau reports, GST filings, and bank statements. This brings up the challenge of reading data from multiple sources, verifying, and matching the data points across these sources. It becomes essential to calculate the correct monthly obligation and cash flow of the business to derive the potential repayment capacity of the applicant.

GST & Bank Statement – Cash Flow Analysis

GST has fast evolved into a rich data source for financial institutions and lenders for assessing your customers’ income and providing instant approvals. One of the major challenges the industry faces today is the authenticity of the GST invoices filed and their verification to check if the applicant is receiving actual proceeds into their accounts.

Perfios’ cash flow analysis reconciles incomes and expenses from GST filings with the credits and debits in their bank enabling you to mitigate fraud and make informed credit decisions.


Credit Assessment Memorandum (CAM) is the final step in making your journey truly digital. The digital CAM report automates the credit underwriting process for you by combining data from multiple documents like bank & bureau statements, income tax documents, GST filings, identity verification & more to generate one single report. It also does an in-depth analysis of inconsistencies in data from these documents to calculate the final eligibility of your customer as per your credit policies.

Unique Liabilities

Perfios compares transactions from its bureau analysis utility and lists down the unique liabilities across bureau reports (consumer, commercial, or a combination of both in a given application) by intelligent elimination of co-applicant and guarantor relationships.

Credit Bureau & Bank Statement - Repayment Track Record (RTR)

An industry-first in SME Lending, Perfios offers you Repayment Track Record (RTR) as a cross-analysis utility. One of the most time consuming and rigorous tasks in the current underwriting process is matching the obligations in the bureau report to your customer’s bank account transactions. The same task for an application with multiple co-applicants/guarantors increases the complexity exponentially.

At its core, RTR is a mechanism to reconcile streams of information derived from bank and credit bureau statements. The RTR utility is powered by Perfios’ proprietary algorithm, which imputes missing EMIs in the bureau and reconciles the obligations identified, giving lenders an accurate and seamless reconciliation mechanism in greatly reduced turnaround times for loan processing.

Perfios Cross Analysis CAM can consume
the following pre-generated reports:

  • Bank Statements
  • Credit Bureau
  • Bank Statement and Bureau Cross Analysis
  • ITR Documents
  • ITRV
  • ID Digitization and Verification

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