For any non-product related queries, please write to info@perfios.com.
For any non-product related queries, please write to info@perfios.com.
Step 1: Go to the Income Tax India website and log in.
Step 2: Select the ‘View Returns/ Forms’ option to see e-filed tax returns
Step 3: Click on the acknowledgement number to download your ITR V. You could also choose to e-verify your income tax return. To e-verify, select the option ‘Click here to view your returns pending for e-verification’.
Step 4: Select ‘ITR/Form’ to begin the download.
Step 5: After downloading, enter the password to open the document. The password is your PAN number in lower letters along with the date of birth.
Example - PAN: ABCDE1234F Date of birth: 01/01/1991 Password: abcde1234f01011975
Step 1: Go to the Income Tax India website and log in.
Step 2: Select the ‘View Returns/ Forms’ option to see e-filed tax returns
Step 3: Click on the acknowledgement number to download your ITR V. You could also choose to e-verify your income tax return. To e-verify, select the option ‘Click here to view your returns pending for e-verification’.
Step 4: Select ‘ITR-V/Acknowledgement’ to begin the download.
Step 5: After downloading, enter the password to open the document. The password is your PAN number in lower letters along with the date of birth.
Example - PAN: ABCDE1234F Date of birth: 01/01/1991 Password: abcde1234f01011975
Perform the following steps to view or download the Form-26AS from e-Filing portal:
1. Log-on to ‘e-Filing’ Portal
2. Go to the 'My Account' menu, click 'View Form 26AS (Tax Credit)
3. Read the disclaimer, click 'Confirm' and the user will be redirected to TDS-CPC Portal.
4. In the TDS-CPC Portal, Agree the acceptance of usage. Click 'Proceed'
5. Click ‘View Tax Credit (Form 26AS)
6. Select the ‘Assessment Year’ and ‘View type’ (HTML, Text or PDF)
7. Click ‘View / Download
Note: To export the Tax Credit Statement as PDF, view it as HTML > click on 'Export as PDF'.
Please contact your employer for FORM 16 for the required assessment years.